Adding Social Media

There are 2 different ways to add social media links to your website.

The first way is through the “CUSTOMIZE THEME STYLES” section. This will give you the ability to add social media links to your header or footer. You can access the theme customization section through the dashboard under “Appearance” then “Customize Theme,” or if you’re on your site select “CUSTOMIZE THEME STYLES” at the top. Go to “General,” “Social Links.” Enter the links for the social pages you wish to display on your website.

Next, you will need to determine where you want your social media links to display. If you want them on the top of your page, select “Header,” “Top Bar Layout.” Then select “1 Column” from the drop-down menu. Next, select “Social Icons” from the “Column 1 Layout” drop-down menu. If you want the social media links on the bottom of your page, go to the “Footer” section and select “Footer Layout.” Select “1 Column.” Next, select “Social Icons” from the “Column 1 Layout” drop-down menu.

You also have the ability to choose the social media icon image and location through the page editor. Visit your site and select “UPNETIC PAGE EDITOR” at the top, then select the blue “+” icon at the top right. Select “Icon” from the Media section. Drag and drop it to the section of your page where you wish to display the icons. Click on “Select Icon.” Easily search for a social icon image through the search bar on the top right and select an icon. Add the link below and click “Save.” Repeat these steps for any additional social media pages.

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